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A Spectrum Of Programs For Growth

It is necessary to provide care and support for individuals with unique needs. As the best NDIS service providers Victoria, at Rosamma Care, we understand that every individual is different and requires different types of support to thrive. That is why in addition to our specialist disability accommodation services, we also offer a range of programs such as art workshops, fitness classes, support groups, and educational sessions.

Art Workshops for Self-Expression

Art workshops are a great way for individuals to express themselves creatively and explore their talents. Art has the power to heal and uplift the spirit, and our workshops provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their creativity. Whether it is painting, drawing, or sculpture, our workshops are open to individuals of all skill levels. Our experienced art therapists are here to help and support participants.

Fitness Classes for Overall Well Being

Fitness classes are another important part of our program offerings. Physical activity is important for maintaining good physical health, mental health and overall well being. Our instructors work closely with participants to develop personalized fitness plans and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and supported during their workouts.

Building Connections

Our support groups provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, connect with others who understand their challenges, and receive emotional support. As the best provider of supported independent living Victoria, at Rosamma Care, everyone will feel heard and validated.

Educational Sessions to Advocate for Yourself

Educational sessions are also an important part of our program offerings. Knowledge is power, and we believe that education plays a crucial role in empowering individuals with unique needs. This helps them to advocate for themselves and make strict and informed decisions about their care. Our educational sessions cover a range of topics, from understanding the NDIS and understanding the healthcare system to learning about self care and coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety. Our knowledgeable facilitators are here to provide resources and information to help you. We provide specialist disability accommodation services for individuals who require specialized care and support. Our accommodation facilities are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual, with day and night support staff.


If you or a loved one is in need of specialized care and support, learn more about our services at Rosamma Care. Our team is here to provide a warm and welcoming environment where individuals can thrive, grow, and achieve their full potential. Together let's find out how we can support you on your journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling life. Rosamma Care provides excellent Canberra short term accommodation options for your convenience.